The review and analysis of medical records is a very important part of any personal injury or malpractice case. In brief, medical records analysis is the organization, summarization, and analysis of medical records by people who not only carry sound knowledge of medicine but also experience in interpreting the medical data. These people range from physicians, legal nurse consultants, registered nurses, professionals from medical background, etc. Effectively, medical records analysis improves attorneys’ trial outcomes and settlement results. The review and analysis of medical records includes but is not limited to the following:
- Prepare chronologies of medical events and timelines.
- Provide initial case screenings for merit.
- Identify standards of care, causation, and damage issues.
- Conduct research and summarize medical literature.
- Identify and apply multidisciplinary standards of care and regulatory requirements.
- Educate attorneys regarding medical facts and issues relevant to the case.
- Organize medical records and other medically related litigation materials.
- Collaborate with attorneys in preparing or analyzing complaints, answers, motions for summary judgment, and demand letters.