Almost every proceeding that takes place in the court requires hard copy documentation. The information is either dictated or recorded in the courtroom or at deposition hearings as well as in law offices. It may include testimony, pleadings, interrogatories, reviews of administrative hearings, etc. Generally, the information is recorded either onto tapes or digital voice processing systems and is later converted into written form by the transcriptionists.
Also, with increased competitiveness in the markets and to safeguard their interests, there are a lot of corporates which have developed financial integrity units and/or office of legal compliance which deal with internal and external frauds, IP (intellectual property) infringement, conflict of interest, etc. This involves interviews of suspected employees and/or vendors by their legal team. These interviews/interrogations need to be recorded and later converted into written form for further reference.
The accuracy and timely availability of such transcriptions is of utmost importance as they assist attorneys in preparing for trials. This is not always possible in a law office or corporate office setting because of non-availability of accurate, fast and dedicated transcription staff, and this in-house exercise sometimes ends up being a costly and time-consuming affair untowardly affecting attorneys’ preparation for trials.
With over 10 years of experience in the transcription industry, Macro can be your trusted partner to meet your transcription demands in a timely manner. Macro provides cost-effective and quality-oriented legal transcription solutions to law offices of all sizes, corporate houses, independent attorneys, and courtroom reporters throughout the US.
With our policies and work ethics centrally focused on your satisfaction and accuracy of reports, our transcription solution provides quality transcription services exceeding your expectations. We focus on delivering unsurpassed quality, financial advantages, and user-friendly technology to you to help you optimize your revenues